The separation process
The separation process
Getting a divorce or dissolving your civil partnership is not one process but three.
Most people think that getting a divorce will end the marriage, deal with financial issues like how to divide the money or property, and sort arrangements for the children all in one go.
In reality, these are three different processes, and each one must be dealt with separately. However, how far you have got with one part of the process will affect the others. See below.

To separate, you need to decide on how you will approach each of the three processes:
The legal ending of the relationship – usually divorce or dissolution legally ends a marriage or civil partnership, leaving both parties free to remarry if they wish to do so.
Financial arrangements upon separation – Agreeing how you will share what you own between you, including any family home, pensions, and savings. It also deals with ongoing financial support.
Arrangements for your children following separation – coming to an agreement on where the children will live, how you ensure they have time with both parents and how you will pay for all the things they need.
Separation can be tough. Nobody starts a marriage or relationship thinking about how it might end. Whatever you are facing, we’ll be here to listen to what you have to say and help with what you need to do if you decide to start the process.